What's It All About?

Hi! I am Michaela. I have loved history since I was six years old. I was reading chapter books about Abraham Lincoln by then. When I was seven I started to learn and read about more United States presidents and their lives. I became fascinated with history. In this blog I will share with you my love for history and the things we learn from the past.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Help me choose who to post about next

Sorry. I had a lot of homework the past few weeks.  I also have very busy weekends with soccer games and other stuff. I will be doing famous women this month. I will need your help  to decide who to post about next. Should I do Eleanor Roosevelt, Madame C.J. Walker, Mary Todd Lincoln,or Queen Elizabeth the first ?


  1. The second one, I don't know anything about her.

  2. That's too hard of a choice...all of them sound good. I can't wait to read more. Sally

  3. They are all four very interesting, but I prefer Madam C.J. Walker.
    It is nice that you can find the time to write although you are busy with your homework. I am looking forward to the article. Cannot miss it, I put you in my Google reader.

  4. I think Madame CJ Walker might be a good choice, as she is little known compared to the others you mention. Also a fabulous story.

  5. Hi Michaela!
    Home work first! School always first! ; ) Even the extra-curricular stuff is good for you, so don't worry!
    I think the vote is in! Madame CJ Walker. Don't really know anything about her, so I'm looking forward to your next article.
    Thank you for a wonderful blog!

  6. I think any or all of these women would be great choices. Surprise us!

  7. Love your blog... As for a woman to blog about? Hmm... You gave some excellent choices. I also vote for Mme. C.J. Walker... She is one interesting lady!
